Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Everybody knows

(Originally posted January 24th 2010)

*Generic rant*

I find DA tiring. Only sometimes, but it's tiring in the same sense of the word as I feel when i'm standing at work, watching over everyone as they eat. You've got the people in the corner, so angry with thier slightly mis-ordered food, because they pointed to one picture in a series of grunts, when they meant the other. You've got the group of teenagers in the other corner who take picture after picture after picture, a minute-by -minute progress of thier time there, just so everyone and thier fucking cousin knows that 'hey, look at me, look at where we are, this is interesting to you and you will love it.'

Then you've got the selfish turds at the other table, who feed like festering parasites on the scraps of glory... d'ah I mean food they ordered, who boast and brag to thier table about whatever tiny fucking accomplishemtn they may have made in the last day. How they bitched at one person who walked in front of their precious way, how they screamed out the window like spineless douche-holes at the faceless car that passsed by. But it's an accomplishment to them. So everyone must know about it.

Then you get the table with the one popular person, and the three others that are all kissing this person's ass. You wonder what that does to a person, wonder how that really effects them. Praise is nice, but it's often poisionous. It takes you out of reality, just a bit, which often impacts how you do things, and what you do. Let's situate this fictional person out of thier element. With years of "OMG THIS IS THE BEST EVER", they think "OMG, THIS IS THE BEST EVER"- they're the ones with the culture shock, that don't realize how what they've been doing has just been squandering thier time. Immensely squandering thier time. It will, and has, done jack shit for them if they never actually learn, never take the time to consider the other facets of thier work. That away from DA, its nothing if you're diving head first into your own bullshit. These are the people I feel sorry for. And not in a sarcastic,hoighty way, I legitimately feel for these people. They're fucked. sometimes, you can tell they know this too.

It's no secret that I don't get along with the dragon artists. Not most of them, at least. (as with each annoyingly appointed stereotype above, there's variation) Mostly because I see this trend, see this annoying kiss-assery that's so damn caustic, and I can't stand it. I can't stand to see these people just fill up on this shit, stand there and go "Why yes, that's right, I am the best ever OH HO HO HOOO", because you wonder if they're fucking blind! As much as I've progressed, I don't NEARLY think i'm really anything to jaw over. There are much better people, much more put together people,there always is. Always. But just to see the same artistic stuttering, the constant after fucking constant portrait of thier character, over and over, like that's thier sole purpose in life, drives me nuts. Tires me. Because sadly, that's usually what it is. And i'm not talking about those who draw thier different characters, back and forth, but the same, god, damn, one, again and again. OOH, he's got a silly bow in this one! Ooh, here he's drinking a cup of tea! Seriously? Seriously.

Before anyone gets thier whities in a bunch, i'm really only thinking of the people who make a full damn picture out of it. If it's just scribbles, ideas, that sort, that's not the same. That's exactly what it is. But the people who work tirelessly to fluff thier own OC-sac with a full, beautiful picture is where i get annoyed.

I personally find a lot of irony that these people hate the myspace picture folk, like they actually differ. It's the same damn social retardation.

I'm not going to even bother on jumping into the exclusive species shit again. Know that's a big part of my frustration with DA. That everytime someone is afraid or nervous to ask for an icarathian, that they question that "really? they're for ANYONE?", each and every time, the DA annoyance tally goes up one strike. I know that whole little ordeal did at least piss quite a few people off; even more so the 100K people who went after me like a pack of three-legged dogs, (many of whom did not have OC species, were not really included, but liked jumping on an attack-wagon focused by a retarded pig-headed few) Even down to friends who pretended like my words actually ripped off thier arms, that even when I wanted to CALMLY elaborate and explain myself; shut me out and blocked me before I could. Sometimes i don't know what i'm trying to do here anymore, why I bother. I don't like teenagers- i didn't like being one, I don't like serving them, and I don't like them now. This place is swarming with the suckers.

I think the reason I stay is for the others, the regular folk, i suppose. Not just the level-headed people that roam about here, or for my friends that i've made the 4 years i've been here, but for the exceptional, amazing artists that are reasonable as well. It gives me hope that they're all not the dragon-artist type. It's just that when it gets to one person calling a war against the masses that are coloring scales like she does, digitally, is when I stop and wonder what goes through thier head. But it's moreso when the people swarming this page all go "Oh, well, okay!" and don't think twice that make me really wonder why i'm here.


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