Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Scrapbook is the Lonliest Number

Feb 26th 2010-

No plugs this time, i swear. Except maybe a plug for scrapbooking prevention awareness.

I've been sick. Or incredibly worn down. It's one or the other, but I couldn't scrounge my exhausted ass to do much but get up and do a few errands, then watch a plethora of odd disney movies. Damn winter downs. This whole area looks like mud, ground and sky.

So, did you know that middle aged people who scrapbook all the time have a higher risk of suicide and depression? (I had a link to back this up, but seems like you can't find anything but suicide scrapbooks looking for it)

So I went to Michaels for more 5 x 7 cards. (which now come in funky new colors, hoo-daddy!) and was just kinda tiredly walking around, checking out thier aisles of pointless shit at about 1:30 in the afternoon. chock full of middle-aged women picking up paper and scrapbooking shit, let me tell you. I get to an endcap, and a guy probably two or three years younger then myself runs up to me in a felt helmet and foam sword and goes, I shit you not, "Have you seen the dragon? I've got to slay the dragon!" he doesn't whisper this, he's talking like it's a serious issue, but he's smiling.

Now I've been that person that people try to scare, whom people play jokes on, that was my junior highschool expirence in a nutshell. You learn these fantastic coping mechanisms to what you assume is a joke, or someone goading another person on to do something. It's like a jelly coating over your reaction time, it works quite well. So I just kinda stare at him, turn around, see if he's talking to someone else behind me; there's no one there, and just kinda turn back. Looking behind him I don't see any people watching him do this, it's seriously just this guy roughly my age, running around in a foam suit of armor and sword. He's still there, excited, not a freaking hint that he's doing this for kicks, that he's just screwing around with me, that there's any ill intention whatsoever. I...I still have a hard time explaining it.

So I kinda smile, tilt my head a bit chalk it up that he's trying to be cute or friendly. Or...something. And I don't like to try and dismiss a person in any way, I can't stand those girls who go "Eewww, get away from me, what are you talking about you freak?" to anybody's possibly good intentions, I mean, running around like that takes guts. Strange guts, but guts. You can't scold that kinda shit. So I played along; said "Well, no, I can't say i've seen the dragon, but i'll keep an eye out for him" and continue to grin and shake my head some more. At this point I figure he's mistaking me for someone else. There's some scuzz-bag around DeKalb named Jessica that I get mistaken for all the freaking time. Damn social butterfly's with my face. I had a ten minute conversation with a cashier at Menards who thought I was this girl, and we talked about my sister, and my brother in the military. *shrugs* Some people pick up on that "What the hell are you talking about" face that people give off in that situation, but not this woman. So I just kept talking.

So then im cashing out they're in front of me, this guy and his mother who was buying an extrodinarily large amoutn of fake tulips and wierd lily garland, and at this point, i'm figuring he's realized i'm not the friend he thought I was.... Yeah, not so. He goes "Well, did you find the dragon?" And I grin again and shake my head, laugh a little and say "Well, no, no haven't seen him" and left it at that.

You know, maybe he is from the internet. Did mention something about Epic Lulz. If you're out there, guy at the Michaels in Dekalb, thank you for brightening my day in a very strange way.

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