Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why must you spaz out now

So, i'm trying to move to Cleveland...ish...area. The contact with my parents right now is pretty infrequent. I do better on my own. But occasionally I need to rely on them for something, which is generally how most stress in my life starts. This time it's with my dad. I guess my mom sent him an e-mail about what his plans were for helping me move to Cleveland- my folks have been divorced for about 3 years now (in the anti-marriage registry, the 3 year divorce anniversary is the childish-retort anniversary) asking if he was aware of this, if he would be available. Below his his entire response ( my mom sent it to me because she's both confused, and thinks it's hilarious)

Sherri ;
So what do you need for a reply , I know where our daughter is
moving , she has my blessing. I,m enjoying her doing something
I could not . I was working 1978 --- --dreams----

First off, my dad confuses the comma and the apostrophe all the time. I've tried to teach him otherwise, but yeah, stubborn Germans are stubborn. Secondly, i have no ideaw what the 1978 line means, and what dash-dash-dash-dash 'dreams' dot dot dot means either. But basically my mom took this that my dad was not going to help me move. (he has a pickup truck, and I have a few big items to move) She calls me and gives me the heads up, and I call my dad and...TENDERLY ask what he means by the e-mail. He starts with "Well, we need to talk about your healthcare" --out of the blue--- "What about it?" "Why haven't you been paying me the last two months?" " I was busy working to get ready for a convention, we live hours apart from one another, and I forgot?" "that's not an excuse" Basically I have to pay 150 bucks (three months of healthcare) to have him help me move, or he won't do it. Personally, I thought working my ass off and rushing to finish work for AC was a good excuse, but WRONG AGAIN. This coming from the guy that as I just get back from a convention, and i'm counting my money happily, leans over and just takes a fifty for himself as payment for insurance. That I have to glare at him to put it back because FUCK, just let me have this happiness for a moment, you goddamn happiness leech.

So after I tell him yes, I'll pay him, and after he explains to me why it's important to pay people the money you owe (ironic since he owed me some 2 K for my last semester of school and suddenly didn't feel like paying) a few times, he's fine with moving me out. But I'm wary. My dad goes on tangents; It's like Man PMS, but it lasts a month or so at a time. He gets these notions in his head that i'm too dependent on him (Which is epic bullshit) and that he needs to isolate and insult me just so I'm more prepared for the world. That throwing away all my childhood possessions because they take up too much clutter in the house he's trying to sell, then immediately pulling it off the market after I do so, will make me a better person.

Maybe it'll make me a person able to use commas as apostrophes, fuck if I know. But worse come to worse, i move with a carload of possessions. And honestly, i'd be just fine with that too.

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