Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Great Pig-Tipper of 2010

(Originally posted Feb 10th 2010)

Calm your nerves, rest your weary eyes, relax. As I'm sure you're all very aware of, The chicagoan area had an earthquake, early this morning. 4.3, originally, and epicenter'd about a mile away from my apartment.

Yeaaah, well, turned out to be in Pingree Grove instead, some 15 miles away and just a wimpy 3.8. AH HAHAHA, i laugh at thee, pig-tipper!


Cool shit, though, seriously. It shook me awake like a soothing, glass-rattling lullaby at 4:08 am. Scared the piss out of my bird, who was literally flipping around in his cage. I was aware for about... 6 seconds of the shaking, and the end. Sounded like a snow-plow (in which we also got 11 inches of snow last night, a night of....occassions, that's for sure) was scraping on the side of my apartment, and I just remember thinking "...the fuck was that? Oooh, that'd be so cool if it was an earthquake) AND IT WAS.

Lemmie explain; some two years ago, we had another earthquake, but this one was far south, and on the actual fault line that's dangerous, not the shitty sandwhich fault line i'm squatting on... or...near. Anyways, everyone at school just gabbbed and gabbed and gabbed on how cool it was to feel an earthquake (we midwesterners don't get that sort of excitement...like...ever. twice in 30 years. This shit's like if brett favre delivered a baby via hot air balloon) and I was SO mad that I didn't feel it, that i went to sleep some...10 minutes before it happened, and I still didn't feel it. So angry. So when it actually was this time, when My roomie got a call this morning before I left for my internship and I found out it was an earthquake, I was so happy.

Even with all the other shit that happened today, how I missed my train, How I got stuck behiind some Zaph Dingbat going 20 in a 55 that made me miss that train, how scraping off 11 inches of ice and snow sucks balls, how I accidentally looked at one of those people with the free perfumes at macy's and they were all over me like stink on a monkey, no, no, earthquake in the morning is the best way to wake up. Ever. Freakin' A.

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