Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Falcon

Because my refrigerator died and sugary spoiled water is everywhere. It's supposed to be 97 degrees here today with an index of 115. My AC also runs with the efficiency of a 350 pound man with a hernia.

Some updates; My grandmother was taken off of life support and actually did better. But she'll be going into hospice care, possibly into a home for the remainder of her time, which might be a day, or 6 months, it's kinda a crap shoot. She's wacked out on morphine 99% of the time, so she tells everyone how she's afraid of the purple people and how she doesn't like american beds. *shrugs*

It is what it is. Though there's some sorta irony that my ultra-religious dad is suddenly picking up on pagan notes, how he saw a falcon at the window and took it as a sign to make the right decision. I swear to god i hear about that damn falcon every time I talk to him. We live in an area heavily populated by Red-tailed hawks, Prairie Falcons, an Turkey Vultures. On hot days, they're often seen coasting on the thermals, and he doesnt' know the difference between the three. Large birds are ALL falcons. So he's always seeing falcons. So like...religious but apparently not-pagan GOD is chatting his ear off. "I saw 3 falcons today! It's a sign that i'm making the right decision" When you're LOOKING for hawks and falcons....y'know, never mind, if it makes him feel better I'll go with it. But the falcons, man, THE FALCONS.

I'm cautiously optimistic about my AC. I've had it running all night, and it's still maintaining the temp at 78 degrees *checks* errr, 81 degrees despite that it's 107 outside. I have plans on running away from this apartment if it gets to be like yesterday, 91 degrees inside at 8 pm. FFfffuck that was horrible. Threw away 95% of my food because it was all spoiled, made a new friend in the apartment yesterday that agreed to house my food until they buy a new refrigerator, which should HOPEFULLY be tomorrow or the day after.

I hate heat waves. My productivity just...down the drain. all I wanna do is sleep and hide in the dark and sleep s'more. That or play minecraft. Though when the temp gets this high, I find myself laughing like an evil genius because it's so damn absurd. 115 Degrees. FUCKING HILARIOUS. WHY. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING. DOHOHOHOHOHO. CHICAGO WHY.

How do ye cope? How don't you cope? How damn blazing hot is it by you

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