Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I want you to hate me

That's right, time to let your angst SEEEETH on through to hate me. Why? Well, for many good and probably half-thought out reasons! YOU'LL ALL QUAKE BENEATH MY DIABOLICAL JACK-ASSERY EVENTUALLY.

1. I'm a firm believer that the best compliment one artist can give to another is "Dude, i fucking hate you" It not only puts a sort of...light-hearted spin on a compliment in a way that shows a bit of envy and a bit of jealousy for their work, but it keeps things playful. It can be kinda awkward to gush how much you like someone's work to their face, but saying that you hate their fucking guts gives the same reward(in the right tone), sans the awkwardness. Case in point, this girl in my class back in college. Her work was....breathtaking, i'll beat her ass someday, but it was amazing. I gushed more then a few times about how I appreciated this...or that about it, and she was practically running for the position of "ms humble artist" . She got weird and kinda waivery that approach. But when we'd say "Dude, i hate your ass" , she'd laugh and bow and thank us for the compliment.

2. At least through e-personas, it seems to be a lot easier just to come off as a dick (both literally and figuratively) Being completely honest, I find myself working harder at being thought of as a calloused smartass then to painstakingly try and prove how nice and smart i can be. Did you know I've worked for Habitat for Humanity? or that i socialize feral kittens in my spare time?(not...now, but last summer) How about that I was part of 100 influential people of 2000 for trying to save a pond being filled in by development when I was 13. HOW ABOUT THAT I COUNSELED SUICIDAL KIDS FOR A WHILE. NO? Because I don't bring that shit up anymore. Beyond it being kinda preachy to do so, it's easier to be "mean". WHYYYY you may ask? Well, because i used to do this. I used to post funny pictures of myself every now and then, used to do requests all the time, bend and twist with every faint effin' wind. I can tell you exactly what it got me. I got stepped on. Mercilessly. People would come to me with the most inane shit and DEMAND that I do it for them. People would act like my friends to only whore artwork out of me. Trust me, nothing feels more...soulless then having a friend demand you do artwork for them or you're not worth the time. Plus, people who could drag your looks or appearance into an argument would, at any time and for any reason. FOR example, i gave a critique to some girl on DA 3-4 years ago. Her immediate retort was that I was just some stupid blond bimbo who didn't know shit. Was it relevant to the argument? It sure wasn't! But i took that picture down (which was of me doing a handstand, no less) and suddenly WOW, I had credibility back. That's fucked up.

That doesn't really work into the "asshole" part of this (more the dick part) but the pointless whoring of art does.

3.... I do things like this: http://www.etsy.com/shop/MutagenStudios THEY'RE GONE, MOTHERFUCKERS, GONE. I'm about to dump the rest of them into the trash! BWAHAHAHAHAHHAA. Your precious dangly necklaces are GONE. LOATHE ME I SAY.

4. I have a sneaking suspicion that if people think i'm an ass, that I'll get less assholes for commissions. LEMMIE SAY, that 9/10 commissioners I get are really fantastic. I mean it. I haven't had a "bad commissioner" in.... many many moons. At least one that the commission's gone through to production, in comparison to the guy who wanted all rights for 15 dollars back some while ago, and was dead set on getting a lawyer to hand them over for me(before more then the lineart was done....back when i effin' did lineart) , and a guy that I don't really wanna mention because even if I'm an asshole, i have standards. we can replace him with the guy who practically flipped the table at a convention that I wouldn't draw his pant less character. Even now, i get people ready to cop a serious 'tude if won't draw them free stuff. Now if you people thought I was some sorta monster, I think this would happen less. Maybe. Maybe i'm just delusional. MAYBE THAT'S PART OF THE MAGIC.

5. If you wanna hear something rather lame, i'm already enacting this slow, transitional change. See the avatar? It's intentionally assholish looking. It was the cutsy one that I have on my account, and then ...SOMETHING *wink wink nudge n-i got hassled by someone-udge* and BAM. Dickish. And I've seen a positive change from it. So while a lot of this journal is SARCASTIC as fuck, unfortunately, there's truth to it too.

I dunno. Maybe it's just easier to be hated. What do you guys think?

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